Monday, May 12, 2008

Thank You Dr. Suess

Dear Dr. Suess,

You are a real cat in the hat. I remember laying on grandma's lawn, with Chains on one side, Pocket Kitty on me, and you in my hat. Thank you for making the farm visits worth the two day drive, and encouraging me to walk into that cornfield.

You, the runt, so small that you could fit under my hat while it was still on my 8 year old head. I miss feeling you sleep up there, acutally making use of that empty head.

I miss you cream fur and Tickle-Me-Pink tongue. But thank you and your siblings for showing me how to care for somebody else, other than me.

Much random love,

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


I believe I come from a world that looks badly spray painted. where you only have to take two steps, wave your sword, and large Xs will plaster themselves over your foe. Who is about 10 feet away. Where your theme song sounds like horrible techno music but still proudly sing your victory: do dodo do dodo dododo!
I think i come from a really weird kingdom where the plumber is the hero. And a gaint pre-historic turtle always steals the fruit named princess. there turtle shells slide around like hockey pucks and the flowers try to eat you.
I know i come from Hyrule. come on, link and i were like brothers...and sister. he'd be lost without me. And Zelda would never return to the castle.
I come from rather bloody fights. Mercislessly cutting down oppents. be it ripping out hearts or pulling off heads. I always heard "Fatality! Scorpian Wins!"

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I Carry...

I carry notebooks and folders
filled with drafts of my heart.
I carry a mental thesaurus
and thousands of pencils.
The weight is tolerable
but sometimes back breaking.

I carry the courage
To reveal my soul
as well as to pick up snakes.
I carry the fear
of sarcasm and harsh criticism.

I carry my muse
The Inspiration Bunny,
ideas flowing from her laughter.

I carry a block,
It changes from being as small as a pin
to being so huge that it blocks out
the sun of all hope
of finishing just one sentence.

I carry the support
Of friends who help me
Reword my world to something
A little bit brighter.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

If I had to get pulled over.....

"Ah, crap." I sighed, blue flashing lights filled my Ninja. I grumbled and pulled over.
"I was only doing 10 over." The authoritative figure stepped out and approached like all cops approach. Slow, stalling to freak you out to see if you have anything illegal in the car, or are just plain stupid. He leaned down and I rolled down the window and grumbled again.
"Ma'am, do you re...."
"Manamanah! Do do dododo! Manamanah!" my stereo interrupted. A look of utter shock painted itself over his law enforcing face. I just shrugged.
"What? So I speed to the Muppets."

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Rose's aren't red

Roses aren't always red.
They can be pink, yellow, white, and
I've even seen purple.

Violets are not blue.
Violets are violet.
Otherwise, why
would we name them after a color
they aren't?

Sugar is definitely sweet.
A Pixie Stix can prove that,
but this cliched poem ins't.

Though I do hope
that i did place
a "Sweet" smile on your face.